Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Read what's ahead!

“What’s Ahead…”
by Ty

When I took on the challenge of doing the blog for our school, I was assigned as a “current eventer,” if you will. But looking back most of my posts aren’t current eventing, they’re more like posts about whatever is on my mind to share with our faithful viewers. So now I’m going to change it up a bit and share with you what every high schooler is looking forward to—our senior trip! One of the things I love most about our school’s senior trip is that we really (most of the time) don’t have over fourteen people altogether that go. Less people equals more fun! Another thing is the great time we have. It’s always fun wherever we go and trust me, I have not always been someone into history, but the way history is brought out to us on this trip I’ve learned to appreciate it. There is always one thing that makes our senior trips sad and that is that we are having this trip because we are losing people from our school. Other than that, the trips are a great time!
This year we are going to Washington, DC. I’m not going to share with you what we’re going to see down there until afterward. But all I know right now is it’s going to be a great time and I can’t wait to share all that happens with you!

Yours for LIBA Cliff,

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