Sunday, April 25, 2010

Coming right up... GRADUATION!

School Without Seniors
by Ty

Wow… to think that in one month we will be without our seniors! It is saddening for many reasons. Let’s start with one of the main ones for us guys… SPORTS! What are sports gonna be without Josh and Luke—the two who always complain because we don’t let them be on the same team? And they wonder why! Maybe it’s because they’re the two best in the school. Anyway, being Josh and Luke-less is going to stink. We now must move on to more important reasons. For the girls, loosing Silvia is like losing a part of their circle (even though that circle is made up of four people.) But with that thought, the circle will deplete by one whole person. Now it’s going to be a triangle. What is a triangle? Come on, a circle just makes everything completer. As you can see by only these couple of reason our seniors will be missed. Our student body in high school is not going to be the same. Sure—we do get to go on the senior trip with them before they’re gone, but we will greatly miss our seniors and our school will just not be complete without them. So, in closing this post, I wish on behalf of all the school and myself—we hope you have a great life and live for God and be very blessed for the rest of your lives!

Mrs. Graf’s PS—As sorry as we are to see our much-loved seniors leave, not to worry high schoolers! You’re getting my “fabulous five” 6th graders: Bella—Brianna—Bernie—Justin, and Marcus! So you see… things aren’t so bad after all!

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