On Tuesday, September 29th, the Junior and Senior high school young men got to go to the Yankees vs. Kansas City Royals game. This game was a present to us from Pastor Graf because of all the work that we did at the church with helping out with different things. Now, about this game, it wasn’t just a game, it was much more than that… here’s how our day went—
We were at school “doing work” until about 1:35 p.m. when we stopped what we were doing and we started heading towards the old faithful church van. As we were heading to the van with Bro. Josh Fryman, we saw Barry Greer and Jonathan Rivera sitting out in Bro. Greer’s car. When we walked out of the building, Bro. Greer saw me wearing my Cardinals stuff. He said that he respected me wearing this paraphernalia, but he also feared for me walking into the stadium with that on. Anyway, so after he said that I put my Ohio State sweatshirt on. So we finally loaded up the van and went to go to Yankee Stadium to catch the 4:00 pm. batting practice.
We made it to the stadium at 3:15 p.m. which gave us time to look at the Yankee stores near the stadium. They were very expensive. I tried to look for a Yankee hat to replace my Cardinals one, but they were just too expensive. Back to the story…
Now for other news—the reason I mentioned my Cardinals hat and shirt is because during our batting practice enjoyment, I went with a few other guys to Monument
That's a great post, if i dont say so myself.:) lol.
And also just to let everyone know Bro. Fryman is now a converted Yankees fan!!! YAY!
Very nice post Tyler
You were never a real Cardinals fan. I went to the same game........I'm a Cardinals Fan...still. One game @ Yankee stadium doesn't change a real fans mind.Now I don't mind the Yankees........But LETS GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!WHOOO CARDINALS RULE ALL OTHER TEAMS DROOL!!!!WHOOO hahahaha
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